Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Year Later


Given to me after my Grandmother Cooper died in July 1958 (13) and was buried (16).

Many other books were given to the family.

Maryjane E. Cooper
one year later
(July 1959)

The book is "The Ready Rangers" by Kirk Munroe. Published by Lothrop, 1957.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


John K**** is a zombie hoof!


John K***** digs on all the motley girls in the grade!


Written on "Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle... and Other Modern Verse." Published by Scott, Foresman and Co., 1966.

This Good Old Book

This good old book.

Any man or woman this book does take I will knock him down with a stake.

William G Kettle (?) is a fine boy, he is very smart in school, he reads well and ciphers good.

William Kettle he is a rover

Found in "A Plan Practical System of Arithmetic" by Nathan Daboll. Published by Hosford, Albany NY, 1821.

Cher Papa

Inscription, in French:

Cher Papa,
J'espère que tu liras le livre et qu'il te plairas.
Ta petite princesse,

Found written in "Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupéry. Published by Harbrace, 1971.

Hartwick Seminary

Inscription, found in "The Song of Hiawatha" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Published by Hurst and Co., 1898.

In loving memory of Hartwick Seminary Academies class of 1928 and of Hartwick College class of 1933

A Bicentennial gift to Hartwick College honoring John Christopher Hartwick who proposed to have a school for the Indians thus Hartwick Seminary was founded 1794-1941, forerunner of Hartwick College.

The inscription sums up the history of this local school fairly well.

The Hindenburg

"The Adventures of the U-202" by Baron Spiegel von und Peckelsheim. Published by The Century Co., 1917.

Enough of the previews, let's get to the feature presentation:

Opening credits, if you will. On to the action:

End credits:

There's even a theme song, "The Hindenburg Anthem" -


-Click to enlarge photos-

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Nice Piece of Haddock

Cyril Hunt (?)

In memory of many a nice piece of haddock, many an omlette, and countless cups of tea - and the pleasant conversation which went with them.

From ?? Davis 31.5.32 

Found in "Eminent Victorians" by Lytton Strachey. Published by Chatto and Windus, 1929.

A Rich and Noble Future

Surely it is fitting, Grace, to offer you Pater - who possesses so divinely the "hard gemlike flame," the "ecstasy." Yours is a rich, a noble future.

Found in "The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry" by Walter Pater. Published by Macmillan and Co., 1924